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Admin Staff

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Amy Miller

Amy worked as a continuing care assistant and an educational program assistant for 7+ years. She recently found her new passion for administrative work and excels as Bee Well’s administrative office manager. In her spare time Amy loves to hang with her husband & son and enjoys relaxing at home. She also loves making people laugh with her bubbly, energetic personality.

Amy Hogan

Amy Hogan

Amy Hogan Amy is in her second year at Dalhousie University and is taking a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Psychology. After finishing her undergraduate degree Amy plans to pursue a masters degree in Clinical Psychology. Amy loves working at Bee Well and learning skills from the team that will help her excel … Read more


Shelly MacKeigan

Shelly worked in the administration field in her early twenties but switched career paths to pursue Clinical Research. She worked as a Clinical Trials Coordinator for thirteen years completing her certification as a phlebotomy technician and Certification for Clinical Research through SOCRA. After taking a couple years off to spend time with her growing boys, Shelly decided to go back to work in the administrative field, part time. In her spare time she loves spending time with her family including her two cocker spaniels.